The world was poisoned by Snake Venom – Not Covid

Info Wars Alex Jones on Before its News Emergency Broadcast Canadians Retake

Dr. David Martin EXCLUSIVE Endgame of The Elite



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Listen to the Pastor You want to KNOW THIS !

But not in the Land of Enchantment

CDC says no masks indoors if vaxxed but not in New Mexico… yet

By John Block / May 13, 2021 / New MexicoNewsPolitics

The Centers for Disease Control’s (CDC) updated guidelines on Thursday said it is permissible to “resume activities without wearing a mask or staying 6 feet apart” if one is “fully vaccinated except where required by federal, state, local, tribal, or territorial laws, rules, and regulations, including local business and workplace guidance.”

That might be well and good for states that trust their citizens with freedoms to make choices about their health (such as wearing masks) by themselves, but not in the Land of Enchantment. Despite what the CDC says, according to the state’s latest emergency health orders, per Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham and Health Secretary Dr.  Tracie Collins, New Mexicans are warned to not leave their homes and to continue wearing masks. 

From the April 28, 2021 health order:

It remains the core purpose of this Order to emphasize that all New Mexicans should be staying in their homes for all but the most essential activities and services. When New Mexicans are not in their homes, they must strictly adhere to social distancing protocols and wear face coverings to minimize risks. These sacrifices are the best contribution that each of us can individually make to protect the health and wellbeing of our fellow citizens and the State as a whole. In accordance with these purposes, this Order and its exceptions should be narrowly construed to encourage New Mexicans to stay in their homes for all but the most essential activities. 

So despite what the CDC says, New Mexicans are still locked down and encouraged by overlords in Santa Fe to wear masks indoors for now. However, the Governor has adopted the CDC guidelines for fully vaccinated New Mexicans not to wear masks outdoors. 

A spokesperson for the Governor’s office previously told KOB 4, “The New Mexico mask mandate remains in place for the protection of the health and safety of all New Mexicans – any new data or recommendations will be reviewed and evaluated by the state, and we’ll keep you informed of any updates.” The Governor’s State Police are still harassing New Mexican businesses in alleged non-compliance with the mask mandates. By John Block the Pinon Post


Hoa Truong

Posted on May 5, 2021 Hoa Truong

Posted in Published Articles

The hegemonic ambition of the largest communist country on the planet exposes into the high tide with the full-scale attack by the biological weapon with the essential support of the psychological warfare to create the global panic and China plus its comrades make a profit and the other purposes. The left stream media companies and the left tech communication companies have created panic in the public, moreover, the medical officials, health authorities, the scientists, the governments, the medical specialists plus the medical doctors have fallen into the trap of China’s Communist Party pandemic. The extreme panic conducts and supports China develops the biological weapon and the world shattered.

From December 2019, the untold THIRD WORLD WAR has begun despite China’s Communist Party has never declared as Hitler did in the Second World War. Nowadays, the global enemy China is dangerous than the Third Reich in German. China’s Communist Party colluded with the traitors in America like billionaire Bill Gates with Dogtor Anthony Fauci, former President Barrack Obama, and the Democratic Party to carry out the BIOLOGICAL THIRD WORLD WAR with trillions of trillions of viral troops have silently opened the battle on the planet. Certainly, no nation escapes the viral army of the People’s viral Army of China. The world community faces the biological war attacking by China, the common enemy appeared the face and deception. Therefore, the world and Western countries review the character of the China virus, do not panic, it is a psychological pandemic by using the virus to fear the people, and China should claim the victory from the world panic.

Initially, the Global Deep State, Democrats, and China’s Communist Party succeeded to prevent the second term of the patriotic President Donald Trump with the rigged election. Actually, the China virus helped the political parasite, the professional robber at a high level and the treasonous specialist Ape Joe Biden robbed the presidency on January 20, 2021. President Donald Trump is the victim of the presidential robbery. Actually, the massive victims are 75,000,000 people who voted for Donald Trump. Certainly, the mail-in-voting created an opportunity for the fraudulent ballots plus Dominion conducted the deceitful victory of the mongrel ape Joe Biden. On the other hand, Joe Biden is not the 46th president. Everyone in America and the world knew the presidential election in 2020 robbed, even the Justices of the Supreme Court like Chief Justice John Roberts, RINO Justice Neil Gorsuch, Justice Brett Kavanaugh, and Justice Amy Coney Barrett knew, but they sold the justice and the mind for the Global Deep State.

China virus pandemic transformed into an economic pandemic to destroy the great achievements of President Donald Trump, and election pandemic. The current business pandemic creates the opportunity for the pharmaceutical giants to make a huge profit for the Global Deep State. Moreover, the debt increases that enriches the favor of the Global Deep State. The China virus becomes the dangerous weapon of China’s Communist Party, so the vaccine plus the panic can not catch up with the situation because China often upgrades the China virus with variable forms and the propaganda develop to deceive the world.

The People’s viral Army of China has developed the full-scale attack in India, the Asian countries like Philippines, Cambodia, Laos, Sri Lanka and others including the South American nations like Argentina, Brazil…certainly, China has celebrated the pandemic is over at Wuhan, the Chinese people didn’t wear the mask while the world has been attacked, and many countries force their people wearing the mask, nevertheless, China always welcomes the mask’s orders from Western and other states. Once again, the world has fallen into the pandemic trap of China.

Possibly, China made the COVID-19, so China’s Communist Party had the original virus and they also have the treatment. Therefore, Italian scientists discovered Coronavirus is a kind of bacteria, it can cure by Aspirin (*), possible, China can treat the massive population by the simple medicine, but China and the Global Deep State have used propaganda to appall the people by using the pandemic to panic the world and also making a huge, long-term profit from the vaccine. The incident of Wuhan residents celebrates to beat the pandemic without mask-wearing that wakes the world, but China’s Communist Party succeeded in the deceitful biological warfare. The people question why did the massive death toll and population rise in Wuhan from December 2019? But the pandemic is gone in China unmasks the deceitful pandemic with the reasons below:

A-China used the life of Chinese people to cheat the world with the massive death toll and infected population plus the economy disabled. The tragic pandemic’s drama proves the pandemic is real and China also avoids the culprit of a pandemic. The heartless regime ignores the life of people, even the People’s Liberation Army barbecued a million troops in the Korean War with the merciless tactic called” human wave’ designed by Mao Tse Tung. So China used the death toll and infected population to deceive the Western, the world, and medical authorities since December 2019.

B-China wanted to reduce the population, actually, the old people occupied 20% population, the one-child policy failed, so China changed two children to respond to the problem.

C-China used the virus to purge the major population in Wuhan is capitalized by Western influence.

China is the sly and malicious regime, the culprit of the China virus pandemic and also providing the medical supplies on mask, vaccine, and other health facilities. However, do not use any products, actually the medical supplies made in China. Unfortunately, the left party in America orders the mask made in China despite the presidential robber Joe Biden and the actual henchman of China calls the American people to buy America made. Do not listen to the mongrel Ape Joe Biden talks, let’s watch what Joe Biden did and his son Hunter Biden received $US 1.5 billion from China. With $US 1.5 billion, China colonizes America with the henchman Joe Biden. Nevertheless, the heartless and fake philanthropist billionaire Bill Gates aims to make a long term’s huge profit from the vaccine, so the people have to consider carefully before jabbing a vaccine. Let’s forget talking about the humanity of the vaccine’s business, mostly, the heartless pharmaceutical giants do want the pandemic perpetuating as long as good, certainly, the big orders are happy the giants, behind is the Global Deep State. The corruption doubts in the vaccine’s order, some governments ordered the vaccine made in China and the companies linking with billionaire Bill Gates. The presidential robber Joe Biden guarantees the Global Deep State with the vaccine passport to force every American must jab, therefore, many states and the virtual President Donald Trump oppose, and everyone has the free choice, actually, the vaccine has no safe and the people have no trust the pharmaceutical giants. The vaccine doubts, even the 45% of soldiers of the US Army denied the vaccine, and American people fear the life risks, while the robbery government of Joe Biden has tried to force the people joining the vaccination. In New Jersey, the state government offers a shot of vaccine with a beer. Detroit deposits $US 50 for whoever jabs and Maryland gives $US 100 for each shot.

China virus is just a bacteria as Italian scientists discovered in 2020 after the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak, therefore, the World Health Organization ignored it. The China virus proved the WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION turns the WORLD HELL ORGANIZATION when director without medical doctoral degree Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus is an actual henchman of China’s Communist Party, he misled the pandemic and also helps China to escape the culprit of biological weapon, so W.H.O becomes the pandemic propaganda of China. Its reason explains W.H.O concealed the report of Italian scientists, instead, World Health Organization strays the truth to find the vaccine that responds to China’s Communist Party and the Global Deep State’s interest. The character of China virus or China bacteria made in China’s laboratory as the biological weapon to lock the blood’s circulation system and kill the patients quickly when the blood’s circulation system can not receive the oxygen from the lung. Therefore, the health authorities respond to the urgent situation by using the ventilator to save the life and the death toll rises. Before, President Donald Trump supported using Hydroxychloroquine to kill the virus (or bacteria) and the blood’s circulation system freed, so the patients escaped the casualty. But Democrats mocked and opposed it, they wanted to use the deaths of American people for the presidential election in 2020. It reason explains the BLOOD CLOTS occurred after taking the vaccine because China bacteria injected the body, which causes blood clots. Once again, the vaccine doubts, the world, and medical authorities may overhaul the vaccine. Possibly, everyone can use Aspirine, vitamin C to help the blood’s circulation system works and stop China bacteria.

Despite the blood clots killed some people, therefore, the governments continue to roll out the vaccine because they ordered, the life of people risk. Nevertheless, some governments ordered the masks made in China, so the governments force the people to use the mask after few cases of China virus infection. Canada spent the blood experience about China’s mask that contained the contamination to harm the lung, so the Canadian government suspended using China’s mask after providing 15,000-day care centers in Quebec.

The vaccine doubts, even the vaccine should create more problems and the nations must spend more money to respond to the health problems that come from the vaccine. According to VigiBase with the Uppsala Monitoring Centre (UMC) in Uppsala, Sweden reported to the World Health Organization The World-Renowned Micrologist Doctor Bhakadi warning, do not jab because of the vaccine risks and cause blindness. The side effects could harm the health, actually, the eye disorders reported up to 20,000 cases

-Eye pain (4616)

-Blurred vision (3839)

-Photophobia or light intolerance (1808)

-Visual impairment (1625)

-Eye swelling (1162)

-Ocular hyperemia or red eyes (788)

-Eye irritation (768)

-Itchy eyes or eye pruritus (731)

-Watery eyes or increased lacrimation (653)

-Double vision or diplopia (559)

-Eye strain or asthenopia (459)

-Dry eye (400)

-Swelling around the eye or periorbital swelling (366)

-Swelling of the eyelid (360)

-Flashes of light in the field of vision or photopsia (358)

-Blindness (303)

-Eyelid edema (298)

-Eye or ocular discomfort (273)

-Conjunctival hemorrhage or breakage of a small eye vessel (236)

-Blepharospasm or abnormal contraction of an eye muscle (223)

-Vitreous floaters (192)

-Periorbital edema (171)

-Eye hemorrhage (169)

Another report from Adverse Reactions to the C0V* -ID jabs now includes 9723 blood disorders, 10,633 eye disorders including blindness, a terrifying 152,273 nervous system disorders including brain damage, stroke & seizure, and 1118 deaths.

Nowadays, as the report of the World Health Organization released 151,803,822 cases confirmed, and 3,186,538 deaths while 6 hundred million out of 7 billion people vaccinated. The reason should come from the vaccine shortage or the people fear the vaccine no safe. Whatever the pharmaceutical giants make a profit, and China has developed the biological weapon plus the psychological warfare to intimidate the world for global hegemonic ambition and also selling the mask, medical supplies, and vaccine./.


“Is COVID-19 a Bacterial Infection Easily Cured with Aspirin?

An aspirin a day will not keep the COVID-19 away.

Alex Kasprak

Published 11 August 2020

A recurring bit of pandemic misinformation alleges that COVID-19 is not caused by a novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) or, for that matter, any virus at all. Despite voluminous evidence that COVID-19 is a viral infection, this claim – or aspects of it — persist online. In general, the same flawed pseudoscientific argument has been employed in multiple instances to suggest that COVID-19 — with over 20 million cases and a death toll of over 160,000 at the time of this reporting — is just a big classification error.

The claim that went viral on several social media platforms blends the misinterpretation of a preliminary and unpublished research paper with the baseless assertion that the World Health Organization (WHO) mandated that no autopsies be performed on COVID-19 victims — a paranoid flourish used to imply a global conspiracy. By ignoring this alleged ban, the story goes, Italian doctors revealed that COVID-19 was actually a bacteria, and that, for some reason, aspirin can cure the disease.

The only factual element of the above narrative is that Italian researchers analyzed autopsy results of COVID-19 patients. They published a preprint of a research study based on post-mortem lung analyses of 38 patients in two Italian hospitals in April 2020. That study, which explicitly stated that COVID-19 is caused by coronavirus, suggested that a condition known as Diffuse Alveolar Damage (DAD) was the “predominant” feature of all of the cases. This potential finding was notable since pneumonia was thought to be the primary factor leading to death in COVID-19 cases at the time. While it is a general medical term used to describe a damaging immune and blood-clotting response to a lung injury, DAD is not a disease, but instead a condition potentially caused by a variety of diseases.

That finding — along with the presence of clotting cells known as “platelet-fibrin thrombi” in the patients’ lungs — suggested to the authors that preventing complications from blood clotting (coagulopathy) could be a promising area for potential COVID-19 treatments. After this paper was uploaded to the preprint server MedRxiv, misinformation followed.

An inaccurate copypasta description of this study from mid-May interpreted those results as evidence that Covid-19 stemmed from “a serious pathophysiological diagnosis error,” that death from the disease stems from thrombosis (or blood clotting), and that the COVID-19 “ought to be fought with antibiotics, antivirals, anti-inflammatories and anticoagulants.” This is how aspirin entered the zeitgeist. As a drug with anticoagulant properties, it could theoretically be employed to reduce complications from thrombosis.

Perhaps because the inaccurate but viral description of the study included antibiotics (which would be used to prevent bacterial co-infections, not the actual COVID-19 infection) as a treatment, or perhaps because some online conspiracy accounts asserted it, online claims about this Italian study soon morphed into the notion that it exposed the coronavirus as a bacterial infection.

“Breaking Covid news!” began a loosely intelligible bit of copypasta from late May, “Italy has allegedly discovered covid is not a virus, but a bacterium.” These results were only possible, viral claims now asserted, because Italian doctors had defied a WHO ban on autopsies.

It is unclear how the notion that a ban on autopsies was instituted by the WHO first emerged. As British fact-checking outlet Full Fact pointed out when the claim first went viral, “the WHO released guidance on [March 24 2020] on safety measures for managing bodies and performing post-mortems on patients who had died of Covid-19.” Numerous studies have published post-mortem analyses of Covid patients, including some that predate the Italian study.

On top of that, there is no actual scientific debate regarding the viral origins of COVID-19, which was linked to a coronavirus even in the earliest public reports from China. Scientists have isolated and mapped SARS-CoV-2’s entire genome based on samples taken from infected humans. Billions of dollars have been invested into finding a vaccine against it based on science’s understanding of the basic fact that a coronavirus caused this pandemic.

Despite the myriad factual hurdles, one must leap over to label COVID-19 a bacterial infection, the claim (based on this same paper) persists. Some versions of the Italian autopsy story have been used to make an even more dubious assertion that the bacteria allegedly causing COVID-19 are “amplified by 5G.” This claim, despite still being pushed by snake oil salesmen like David “Avocado” Wolfe, comes from a study that was retracted because its authors were found to have manipulated the peer-review process to get it published.”


New Mexico WAKE UP

 Jessene, A lot happened in New Mexico this week! Here are the top stories: 
TRENDING‘They’re giving up on him’: Gov. MLG refuses to help family find missing National Guardsman 
READ MORE PICKED JUST FOR JESSENE  Albuquerque legend and three-time Indy 500 champ Bobby Unser dies at 87 READ MORE
   Drag queen ‘jello shot girl’ and ex-prostitute seeking NM state House seat Democrat state Rep. Melanie Stansbury is currently running for Congress in the First District of New Mexico against Republican state Sen. Mark Moores in the June First election… READ MORE 
Dems eating their own: Legislator taking Gov. MLG, Health Sec. Collins to court over ‘retaliation’ On Tuesday, it was reported that state Sen. Jacob Candelaria (D-Bernalillo), who has alienated both Democrats and Republicans, is now planning to sue Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham… READ MORE
 ABQ restaurant shut down by State Police after employees defy MLG’s mask rules On Friday, it was reported that Old Town Albuquerque restaurant Backstreet Grill had been shut down due to employees defying Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s mask mandates despite the CDC allowing fully… READ MORE BONUS ARTICLE
Liberal paper appears to glorify 19th century forced vaccinations to promote COVID-19 shot  Donate →  This email was sent to jessenestrust@gmail.comYou received this email because you are signed up on the Piñon Post.2048 Placita De Vida, Santa Fe, NM 87505 Unsubscribe here  © 2020 Piñon Post LLC JESSENE’s TRUST10:57 AM (1 minute ago)to news 
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X22Report: Election Fraud Will Be Known As The “BIG LIE”! We Caught Them All! We Have It All! – Must Video

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X22Report: Election Fraud Will Be Known As The “BIG LIE”! We Caught Them All! We Have It All! – Must Video

REPORTER: John Rolls: The people around the country are waking up and they are pushing back against the [DS] agenda. More and more will rise up because they hear the calling. The [DS] is pushing everything they have to stop the audit, they have planes flying overhead, they have carnivals setting up next to the audit they have people sneaking in, nothing will stop this. Trump issues a statement that election fraud will be the biggest lie ever told. The patriots are now on the offensive, pushing the [DS] to expose it all and when they do its game over.

Click here to see, “X22Report: Election Fraud Will Be Known As The “BIG LIE”! We Caught Them All! We Have It All! – Must Video”


Still Think The Shots Are Safe? Health Care Workers Share Their Experiences

REPORTER: RedPill: D-e-l  B-i-g-t-r-e-e interviews three professional health-care workers who tell their heart-breaking stories of what happened when they happily accepted the mRNA v@xxine. Within a few days of the injections, they were in constant, full-body convulsions. When the hospitals and clinics that employed them insisted this was not related to the v@xxines but merely a psychological disorder, and when doctors even refused to accept them as patients, they were jolted out of their illusions about the medical-industrial complex they had so willingly served. Desperate for help, they published videos of their horrendous condition on the Internet, which went viral but also triggered a barrage of accusations that they were acting! Since then, these courageous women have organized a support group for other victims with the same adverse reactions. Their numbers have grown into the hundreds, but none of them have been reported by hospitals, and they are missing from official statistics. No honest person can remain on the fence after hearing these stories.

Click here to see, “Still Think The Shots Are Safe? Health Care Workers Share Their Experiences


Jane Grey – JFK Jr Told The World Who Murdered His Father: But Nobody Was Paying Attention

REPORTER: RSMuseum: So, what do you suppose was going on in the mind of the sexiest man alive? He could have written his own political ticket, yet he went into publishing. Many expected him to land in politics and most likely were a bit perplexed when he decided to publish a magazine instead. Some thought he was afraid to go into politics because of the “Kennedy ( Curse.” However, nothing could be further from the truth. What he did proved to be more dangerous than any political arena, and he knew that from the start. But JOHN – JOHN had a mission and that mission was to expose the villain who orchestrated that “dastardly act” upon his father. Unbeknownst to the public, JOHN – JOHN was digging deep for proof. And, how else could he expose the truth when all the media outlets were controlled by the very cabal he planned to expose? Enter ”George.”

Click here to see, “Jane Grey – JFK Jr Told The World Who Murdered His Father: But Nobody Was Paying Attention”